The ear wax removal clinic is governed by these terms and conditions:
Wax removal via micro suction is considered safer than other methods such as syringing. The wax removal will be carried out by a trained clinician working to the protocols set out within the LF & AHS Wax Removal Clinic’s Aural Micro Suction Procedures Manual. Complications of ear wax removal with micro suction are uncommon; however possible complications, side-effects and material risks inherent in the procedure include but are not limited to: incomplete removal of ear wax requiring a return visit (for severely impacted wax), minor bleeding, discomfort, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), perforation of the ear drum and hearing loss.
To ensure the risk of complication is minimised, it is essential that accurate past medical history is supplied to our clinicians. In addition, it is important that the patient remains relatively still during the procedure as sudden movement may significantly increase the risk of ear drum perforation, permanent hearing loss and/or bleeding. The CE marked suction unit is to remove fluids from the airway or respiratory support system and infectious materials from wounds and has been adapted for micro suction. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you accept that you have read and understand the possible complications that may occur and agree that the LF & AHS Wax Removal Clinic & Hearing Specialists, or any of its employees, cannot not be held responsible for them.
In order to remove wax from your ear canal(s), it is necessary to carry out otoscopy (visual inspection of the outer ear and ear drum) and remove wax from your ear using the safest and most appropriate method for the location and amount of wax discovered. Three methods of wax removal may be used during this course:-
Removal of wax deposits using instrumentation
We can use a variety of instruments with different tips to carefully remove wax from the ear canal. The instruments are gently inserted into the canal entrance to remove any wax and debris.
Wax removal using microsuction
Microsuction is a system which effectively uses a vacuum to clear out any debris or wax from the ear canal. There is currently only one CE approved piece of equipment registered to do this, however, it is common practice to use 'off label' devices. The CE marked unit is designed to remove fluids from the airway or respiratory tract and remove infectious materials from wounds. It has been specifically adapted for aural microsuction. In the procedure, a fine suction tube is gently inserted into the ear canal while being viewed closely through a microscope or magnifying loupe headset.
Wax removal using water irrigation
Water is an effective method to remove debris or wax in cases of a healthy canal and in-tact eardrum. The water irrigator unit is CE marked and is designed specifically for wax removal. During the procedure we aim low pressure, pulses of water to flush out the ear canal. The water is within one degree of body temperature (37°C).
You may withdraw your consent at any time. Please communicate any concerns/ discomforts to The Practitioner.
The Practitioner has undertaken training in debris and wax removal and will use best-practice procedures to minimise any risk or harm. However, as with any wax removal procedure, even when performed with the upmost care, there is small risk of damage to, or infection of the skin of the ear canal or the eardrum. Furthermore, the procedures of microsuction and water irrigation can be noisy and may cause a shift in your hearing thresholds (generally temporary) or start/aggravate any existing tinnitus. There is also the risk of temporary dizziness or discomfort. In certain instances, olive oil may be used during the procedure, unless there is a known sensitivity. Finally, where it is not possible to remove the wax, you may be advised to use further treatment with olive oil or sodium bicarbonate solution.
I consent to allow The Practitioner to perform wax removal using the necessary procedure
for the location & amount of wax present. I have read the information and understand
there is a small risk involved . I am aware the procedure can be terminated at any time.
I give my consent for Arnold Hearing Specialists to keep me updated about my
appointments & any improvements to their products and services.
Cancellation Policy:
We offer a full refund if we receive 72 hours notice. However, please also be aware that if you attend the appointment and there is no wax present - we are only able to offer a refund for half of the total amount paid. If you have concerns regarding this, then please call us and we can offer you a 'triage' appointment to check if there is wax present.